
Local Beef, Grain Finished

Local Beef, Grain Finished
Local Beef, Grain Finished
Local GrainFinished Beef - Various Cuts
This item is not presently for sale, please check back when ordering is open.

Grain-Finished beef is conventionally fattened, well marbled local cows finished on grains. It most closely resembles the beef found in grocery stores.

Please see the Local Beef page for in-depth info on weights and cuts included in each package.

Packages vary by size, with the larger packages including more variety and weight and the smallest packages containing only ground beef. Most larger packages include:

Chuck Roast
Rib Steak/Prime Rib
Rump Roast
Round Steak/Roast
Sirloin Tip Steak
Top Sirloin Steak
Tenderloin Steak
T-Bone and/or NY Strip
Flank/Skirt Steak
Stew Meat
Short Ribs
Ground Beef
Soup Bones
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